


Clinic Details (About Us)

【One-stop medical care】

As the “family doctor” for everyone in the community, we strive to achieve medical care that accompanies you every step of the way.

At Higashiojima Medical Clinic, we aim to provide one-stop medical care so that even if you don’t go to large hospitals like university hospitals, diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, lifestyle diseases, and many more can still be promptly diagnosed and appropriately treated. A holistic approach should be taken in internal medicine, since patients often have more than just one problem. For example, numerous diseases may interact together in complicated ways to produce the symptoms that you feel, and there may also be diseases that can’t be addressed immediately. Furthermore, there may also be consultations about which specialist doctor is best to see for one’s illness. At Higashiojima Medical Clinic, we address the numerous problems that the patients face in a holistic way and answer to your questions and concerns.

Message from the Director.

Hello everyone. I am Munehiko Shibata, director of Higashiojima Medical Clinic.Making use of my many years of clinical experience working as a physician and specialist in heart disease at The University of Tokyo Hospital and Mitsui Memorial Hospital, and now as a primary care doctor working for the community, I hope to support each and every one of my patients from the medical care point of view so that they can lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

Through our beliefs – “medical care that accompanies you every step of the way” and “trustworthy medical care” – we provide medical care that primarily centers on general medicine, cardiovascular medicine (heart medicine), diabetes mellitus, and lifestyle diseases. Together with my staff, we rigorously strive to be a clinic that will be beloved by everyone in the community for many, many years to come, and hope that you may join us in our journey together.

Clinical Divisions / Internal Medicine

Examples of common consultations include the common cold, allergies (like hay fever), headaches, stomachache, influenza, various types of vaccinations. Please do not hesitate to consult us at any time for anything. Medical care is currently becoming more and more specialized in Japan, and this means that many patients do not know which specialty to visit for their given symptoms. While the provision of good and highly specialized medical care to patients by specialists is important, we believe that caring for patients in a general, holistic manner is important as well. As such, we first of all want to create a general medicine entry point to which all patients can enter with any of their concerns. Furthermore, it is common that one single patient can often have several problems at the same time and not just one disease. In such cases, it is also common that the patient will be seen by various specialists over many hospitals, from which various drugs are then subsequently prescribed. We hope to be of service in these situations by approaching and addressing the various problems as one, holistic problem of that patient, and strive to achieve and better this goal.

Cardiovascular Medicine

Cardiovascular medicine is a specialty that deals with diseases related to the heart. In particular, it mainly specializes in diseases of the heart or blood vessels. Common symptoms include becoming short of breath when climbing a flight of stairs or an uphill slope; chest pain or discomfort; palpitations; somewhat lethargic and tire easily recently; difficulty breathing when lying flat; swollen feet; loss of appetite. Such symptoms may be because of heart disease, so please visit the clinic for a consultation.

Diabetes Mellitus

For those who are wary of their blood glucose level, please consider having a checkup at the clinic.Diabetes mellitus, or simply “diabetes” as it is more commonly referred to as, is a disease where the glucose levels in the blood (blood glucose) are increased. As an energy source, glucose is the most important nutritional element for maintaining life. Diabetes is when this glucose increases in the blood more than necessary, for whatever reason. Thirst, sudden weight loss, tiredness, and smelly urine may be early symptoms of diabetes, so please consider having a checkup with some simple blood tests. Diabetes is also called a silent killer because it may proceed without clear symptoms, leading to the development of severe diseases such as a heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure. Together at our clinic, we will customize the meals, exercises, and medications just right for each and every person.

Lifestyle-related Diseases

Let’s tackle this problem together.As a result of the richness of modern diets, increased convenience of living, and the diversification of daily living, there has been an increase in lifestyle-related diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Have you ever been told that your blood pressure is too high, or your cholesterol is too high, or your uric acid is too high, or your BMI (an indicator of obesity) is too high? While most of these conditions are asymptomatic, they may lead to hardening of the arteries all over the body if left untreated. However, getting on top of lifestyle-related diseases alone is tough. Simply “trying hard” to get on top of these diseases may not work for those who have lots of desk work and are so busy that they have no time to exercise; for those with disruptive meal times; for those with frequent work functions and parties; and many more. At our clinic, we can work with you to help you plan and tackle these conditions, together, so that you don’t have to face it alone.

Smoking Cessation Clinic (Covered by Insurance)

Really ready to quit smoking? Just thinking about quitting smoking? Those are all important first steps, so please do not hesitate to consult us for advice and any help we can provide.

Medical Check-up and Examinations (Not Covered by Insurance)

At our clinic, we advocate the practice of preventative medicine so that you don’t need to be concerned about preventable diseases.
Available examinations/tests at our clinic include: blood tests, ECG (electrical tracing of the heart), chest X-ray, blood pressure, pulse wave examination, echocardiography (ultrasound imaging of the heart), carotid ultrasound (ultrasound imaging of the large arteries in the neck), LOX-index.

Appointments and Contact Details
Tel: 03-5609-3637 (for appointments)

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